Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Canning, Season 2

My sister in law has been speaking about canning for quite sometime now, and it got me interested. So last year my friend Teddy (a culinary student) and I began canning. I was actually quite impressed, except for pickles that didn't turn out quite the way we had intended, we were successful! So this year we are going at it again!

We are beginning with two jams; strawberry and raspberry. The Hubs even helped out a little---and enjoyed it! It was a hot day in the apartment, but we succeeded: 6 cans of each. We are already talking about doing grape in the near future.

These were simple, we just followed the directions provided with the pectin.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Meg and Teddy!

    I'm so glad you like canning! I haven't canned anywhere near as much as you have over the past year! Partly because my life has gone crazy, and partly because I had a really bad harvest last year.

    However, since I'm not working now, I should have time to become "Heidi Homemaker" and do some canning this year if I'm still not employed during strawberry season! Think of the possibilities: strawberry jam, strawberry jelly, strawberry pie filling, even strawberry salsa! MMMM!!!

    My favorite thing to can is tomatoes. :) There is nothing better than cracking open a jar of home-grown canned tomatoes in the middle of January! Talk about a taste of summer!

    Keep up the canning!


    P.S. I never had much luck canning pickles, either (they get all slimy and soggy from the heat cooking them). I now ferment them on the counter for about a month, cold-pack them, and keep them in the fridge - they taste just like Claussen's that way! ;)
