Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2012 Garden

Last week (at least I think it was last week, my random lifestyle has my weeks all blended) my mom and I finished planting our garden. Like last year, I am taking advantage of her double lot and we are co gardening a bunch of vegetables.
Here we have asparagus (year 1), peas and some tomatoes.

kohlrabi and spinach

Peppers, broccoli and carrots

Pickles, cucumbers, zucchini and yellow squash

more tomatoes (we can them for year long use)

some green onions, but the late summer/fall home of Brussels sprouts! Yum!

Herbs. On the left is thyme, rosemary, dill, cilantro and chives. On the right is basil, parsley and sunflowers.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cool Things About Being a Derby Girl

Here are some of the cool things about being a Derby (Lite) Girl:

  1. I get emails from someone named Glass Kicker
  2. I had a mouth guard container in my purse.
  3. I get to exercise in a women's only class
  4. I can wear polka dot shorts like its no big deal
  5. It's pretty bad ass :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's Been Awhile

So, I have not done a lot of blogging lately. Life has been pretty hectic, so much stuff going on! First, its the last week of the semester. That translates to PROJECTS, PROJECTS, PROJECTS. At least they feel like they are all CAPS in my head. Derby has been pretty big, too. I am preparing (buying out door wheels and parade uniform) to roll in Chicago's Pride Parade. Really excited about participating in an extracurricular Derby event. Speaking of Pride, I'm still sun burnt from last years.... Also, there has been a lot of activism and volunteering to participate in. I am working with my committee to put together an AFSP Town hall and a Bipolar/Depression Awareness Day. Joe and I are also preparing for our vacation/AFSP Overnight next month. We are really looking forward to some time away from it all. So one top of all those commitments, there is also a house, two cats and a husband to take care of. I will try to get back to blogging more regularly. I miss expelling creative energy.