Tuesday, June 19, 2012

AFSP Overnight 2012-San Francisco

June 9th and 10th Joe and I volunteered for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Overnight Walk in San Francisco. This was Joe's second walk and my third. As always it was an amazing experience. We met some amazing people, supported hard working walkers and helped make a difference in the stigma towards mental illness and suicide.
One of the most touching parts for me was a woman we met in the park where our Rest Stop was. When we arrived we had to clear out the park. While most of the people were upset with us, one woman was curious. She wanted to know more about us. As we continued setting up, I went over and chatted to her a bit. I wanted to thank her for understanding our need to empty out the park. While talking to her I learned that she had lost her brother to suicide in the past month. Being able to direct her to resources and plant a seed of hope meant a lot to me.
After we closed and cleaned up our Rest Stop, we made our way back to the site of the Closing Ceremony's where the Luminary bags were lining the end of the walk. The above is the one Joe decorated. I dedicated one to my struggle and another to the people who  have struggled along with me.

We are looking forward to hearing where next year's location is! *Fingers crossed for Chicago.*

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