Monday, October 24, 2011

Friends Since 1998

We have been friends for 13 years. Together we have been through a lot: deaths, illnesses, moves, road trips and several celebrations of 21st birthdays. We may be separated by miles or even by states, but the moment we are together it's as if no time has passed.
Our college garduation celebration.

It has been an exciting four years for us. In 2008 I got married, 2009 Shannon did, 2010 was Heidi's turn and this past weekend was Sara's! Four years, four weddings (and four Bachelorette parties!). This wedding was in Nebraska (which crossed Iowa off my list of 50 states to visit), and marked a bittersweet end to the celebrations of the past four years. I believe we are all glad to be past the planning stage and into our marriages, and sad because there will not be any more big parties to look forward to for awhile.

Sara and her man put on quite the extravagansa! The wedding was in an old train station that was turned into a museum and was completely gorgeous. The bride and groom looked amazing and it was a great time. Congratulations you two!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Obsession with Mason Jars

If you have ever been to my house you will quickly see my love of Fiestaware....but I have recently discovered another obsession: Mason Jars. I was tired of the clutter in my pantry and cabinets and decided to organize with these amazing contraptions.
 I did the baking shelf: caramel chips, white chocolate chips, semi sweet chips, milk chocolate chips as well as assorted nuts.

And in the pantry: dried beans, noodles, rice.

At this point I thought I was pretty cool. I had a interesting balance of country and city going on in my kitchen that was very "me." And then I found these at Target yesterday:

That's right....GALLON SIZE MASON jars. I now have storage for the flour and sugar I insist on buying in bulk. I was a little too excited, not gonna lie.

Then I got my free copy of Country Woman magazine (Its in the Taste of Home family). And they had craft ideas for Mason Jars. So I made a pin cushion/notions holder and some candles.

I am sure I will come up with more cool things to do with these jars..but this is what I have done so far.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Julie and Julia vs Meg and Ree Part 2

So here I am thinking I have made a huge dent in my Meg and Ree challenge. I've been making a few things each week. Including the Creamy Rosemary Potatoes that are responsible for my sliced finger. Apparently you are supposed to be careful when you use mandolines. Unless of course you want your finger to match mine...but I promise you that you don't. Its not pretty, takes too long to heal and will never look the same again, its just not worth the trouble to be my finger twin. Anyway, back to the challenge. I'm only 26% of the way through the cookbook. But I suppose to be fair, there are things I have made more then once. I also suppose I will consider myself a success if I finish before the next cookbook comes out in the Spring. Also, before ya'll jump to the conclusion about me using all that butter, I want it noted that I am working hard on my weight loss goals. I even appear to be making some headway! Consequently, I am allowed to have butter a few times a week. I've decided.