Monday, October 24, 2011

Friends Since 1998

We have been friends for 13 years. Together we have been through a lot: deaths, illnesses, moves, road trips and several celebrations of 21st birthdays. We may be separated by miles or even by states, but the moment we are together it's as if no time has passed.
Our college garduation celebration.

It has been an exciting four years for us. In 2008 I got married, 2009 Shannon did, 2010 was Heidi's turn and this past weekend was Sara's! Four years, four weddings (and four Bachelorette parties!). This wedding was in Nebraska (which crossed Iowa off my list of 50 states to visit), and marked a bittersweet end to the celebrations of the past four years. I believe we are all glad to be past the planning stage and into our marriages, and sad because there will not be any more big parties to look forward to for awhile.

Sara and her man put on quite the extravagansa! The wedding was in an old train station that was turned into a museum and was completely gorgeous. The bride and groom looked amazing and it was a great time. Congratulations you two!

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