Monday, January 9, 2012

I Couldn't Make This Up If I Tried

My cats are a never ending source of entertainment. They are absolutely hilarious, and make up in cuteness what they lack in being a good roommate.

  • Tiger is a little rascal. When we come home he meets us at the back door. You'd think its because he wants his next meal, but all that little guy wants to do is run down the stairs and scare his mommy by trying to eat a poinsettia plant.
  • Someone (*cough* Joe *cough*) brought him down stairs while he was doing laundry. Tiger now thinks that every laundry trip includes him.
  • Tiger likes lotion. And by that I mean he likes to eat it. Because I have eczema, I have a bottle of lotion in every room. The lotion on my night stand, however, must be kept in a drawer, because that's the single bottle Tiger decided tastes good.
  • After the hubs gave me an iPhone for my birthday I woke up to my headphones in pieces...I wasn't sure who to blame. A few moments later Tiger was playing with them. Mystery solved.
  • He isn't very good at hiding...but it doesn't stop him from trying.
  • He thinks my laptop is his heating pad. And that this is not a negotiable topic.
  • He likes string cheese. But not other cheese. And turkey. It's hard to make a lunch alone in this house.
  • He likes to clean his mommy. He will sit behind me and knead me and "clean" my hair. I know he does it to show he cares...but a gift would be nicer then cat licked hair.
  • He thinks that if he's afraid of people he should go closer to them.
  • One day he wanted to help me design a book pawing at my screen continuously.

  • November is a much more "normal" cat. She hides and sleeps...usually in the middle of my bed.
  • She only snuggles her mom. She usually sleeps at the foot on my side of the bed at night, but every now and then she'll come up and snuggle me.
  • Vem thinks that biting me is the appropriate way to ask for food. She's not shy about it either. I could be sleeping and if she's hungry and out of food (or out of the food she WANTS to eat) she'll bite me until I fix it.
  • Today she turned off a light switch. I'm sure she had good reason for it being off, so I watched TV without the light on.
  • She likes to play soccer. With my stuff. On my table. Once she knocked over an $8 brand new bottle of nail polish so it could break all over my floor. My Nativity Scene animals or my beverage also make good soccer balls.
  • She's curious about water. Whenever we get out of the shower, she has to jump in there and hang out with the water droplets.
  • She LOVES LOVES LOVES her cat nip. I regularly use it to bribe her.
  • She likes giving me a heart going on our balcony and walking along the edge outside the railing.
  • Vem thinks boxes, suitcases, etc are meant for her to sit in.
  • Window ledges are her perch. She likes the feeling of the out doors.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't is funny that they all have such different personalities? All four of our kitties are so different from one another and it's so cool! :)
