Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Family Goals: Going Green

Man, this NaBloPoMo is no joke. I'm a bit behind.

Joe and I have formulated some Family Goals. One of them is to go greener. The problem is, we are on a budget. So shopping organically and other high price changes aren't an option. Here are a list of things we are trying to do within our budget:

  1. Plastic bags take 1000 years to decompose. This means that we try not use them. We shop with cloth bags when possible, don't take bags if not needed, ask for paper bags if offered and give any plastic bags we do use a second life. Taking out cat litter for example.
  2. Recycling. We have REALLY stepped up our recycling game. We have always done it, but the past month we have been more diligent and filled our recycling dumpster but only had one or two bags in our garbage dumpster. One technique we used was adding a recycling container on the second floor (re used plastic bags!). This makes sure we catch toilet paper rolls, drink containers and empty shampoo bottles. It has made a huge difference.
  3. Compost. Joe isn't as excited about this one, but it will make a huge difference in my garden. We take out any compostable kitchen scraps and add yard waste. When there isn't a lot of "brown" options, I add shredded newspaper to decrease smell and increase decomposition.
  4. Green cleaners. We have started making a shift towards some green cleaners. Particularly our dish soap and all purpose cleaner. We haven't gotten too far, but it is a step
  5. Nonstick cookware. If I need a nonstick skillet I use my cast iron skillet. Less chemicals.
  6. Eating more left overs. This will forever be a challenge for us. Ugh.
  7. I try to hang dry most of clothes. This uses less electricity so it is not only green, but also cheaper!
  8. Buy recycled when possible. This is a little harder, but when I had to buy more printer paper, I chose to spend a few extra pennies to buy recycled paper. Also, one of the grocery stores I shop at sells loofas made of recycled material.
  9. I usually cook from scratch. I know its isn't nearly as good as shopping organic, but I figure it has to reduce some chemicals from our diet.
So these aren't huge improvements, but they are a bunch of small ones that will hopefully make a difference.

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