Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Equals Challenges

It seems November is all about challenges. Some for good purpose some to be silly.

Here are a list of some of the challenges I am seeing around me:
  1. Listing something you are thankful for every day. (Self explanatory, I decided to give it a try this year. Things are....complicated. So it is nice to remind oneself of the things going right.)
  2. NaBloPoMo (write a blog post every month....I need this to challenge my creativity. Blogging challenges me to think deeper and usually involves some fun house project...which I seem to be all 1950's housewife about lately.)
  3. Movember (dudes to weird facial hair. I am eternally grateful this doesn't appeal to Joe.)
  4. NaNoWriMo (write a novel in a month. I have many friends taking on this endeavor. God. Bless. Them.)
  5. The 30 Day Challenge. (you heard of the squat challenge? the plank challenge? Well we (Yes, I signed far so to me in 27 days) are doing 5 of those challenges at the same time.)
How do you keep yourself challenged?

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