Sunday, July 31, 2011

Columbia's Muddy Buddy 2011

I have a dear friend who I like to call my "adventure buddy." New Year's Day 2010, we jumped in Lake Michigan for the Polar Bear Plunge. While this Plunge was not affiliated with any charities (there is one later in the year that supports the Special Olympics) it was definitely a great time!

Deciding that it was time for another adventure, we decided to sign up for the Columbia Muddy Buddy! The Muddy Buddy is a race you complete with a partner, one person runs and the other rides a bike, you arrive at an obstacle and then switch (the runner bikes and the biker runs). Its approximately a 6 mile course (ours was 5.7 miles), and then at the end you and your buddy crawl through a mud pit together!

The heat certainly was not on our side. I had to walk instead of run. The asthma and the heat were just not having it. So, I am disappointed with that aspect of my performance. The obstacles were a fun challenge. For some of the more challenging ones people worked together to get everyone through. There was a nice sense of team effort in that respect.  The hurdles...which I didn't know about until the week of the event...were not nearly as complicated as I was expecting! Another weak spot I had...the last obstacle of the course was scaling an eight foot wall. By the time we got to it, it was covered in slippery mud and my fear of heights got the best of me. Well, not fear of heights, fear of falling from heights.

So, while I am not completely happy with my performance, I did have a wonderful time and was proud of myself for finishing! Best of all, when I got home and logged on to see our time, the Mud-diving Mischief Makers (our amazing team!) did not finish last! Our time was
1:34:09.4. While we were F A R from first place, we were more than a half hour ahead of the last place. Overall it was a success! Our goal was to finish the race, which we successfully did! We are considering racing again next year!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Gardening Success!

From my co-garden: tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green pepper and pickle.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Why I Do This

I write this blog for several reasons. First, sometimes I just have to get that creative energy out. Second, it helps document what it means to live my life. And third, people often feel alone. I'm not ready to share my struggles here, I'm not sure if I ever will be (I have a friend who does so brilliantly). It is important for me to get this message out there: whether you are going through something wonderful or difficult, you are never alone. There are other people experiencing what you are going through and there is strength in numbers. If you have a joy, share it. If you need a friend, do not be afraid to ask for one.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Blogging Paradise

Computer, novel, journal, Kindle, cook book, calendar, magazine, cat and remote...besides a cup of coffee what else could a girl need?

Balcony Gardening

Living in an apartment doesn't leave many options for gardening, thankfully we have a balcony so I can container garden. We are growing tomatoes, onions and herbs on the balcony.

This year we are doing things a little differently. We are digging up part of my mother's yard to expand her garden so that she and I are going to co-garden there. Here we are planning on growing zucchini, summer squash, cucumber, pickling cucumber, more tomatoes and onions, and peppers. The plan is to can pickles and tomatos so we have enough to get us through next year!

Friday, July 22, 2011

People Who Inspire Me: Part 1

Elizabeth Gilbert-
She is the woman who wrote the novel  Eat Pray Love. Her book is about her self discovery after a divorce. She spent a year traveling to devolp different parts of her self. She went to Italy to discover the enjoyments of life, India to develop her spirituality and Bali to find a balance between worldly and spirtual blessings. What I admire about her is she knew what she needed and she knew how to get it.I'm still trying to figure out what is missing in my life...and I hope that if/when I figure it out I have the means and ability to go and get it as well. Until then I guess I will be reading her book to brainstorm and travel with her across the world.

The Pioneer Woman-
This woman is just plain awesome. I'll be honest...I'm a little jealous. She is a blogger (food, photography, homeschooling, etc), and author AND soon to be Food Network Star. She is always a fun a read and all her food looks amazing. I think she has the best job in the world. She gets to be creative while staying at home and taking care of her family. I can't wait to watch her show on the Food Network and learn more recipes from her!

My Grandma was the inspiration for my Bucket List. She was such an adventure seeker and did this while remaining devoted to her family. She was a traveler, learned how to fly a plane and a painter/crafter. She was also a devoted Catholic who prayed the Rosary every night. I admire her devotion to God, her family and her adventurous spirit. I hope to adequately incorporate these three things into my life.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

AFSP Out of the Darkness Overnight, NYC 2011

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a cause close to my heart. I have, and know, many people who struggle with depression or similar troubles. Every year they do what is called "The Overnight" and people walk from sundown to sun up. It isn't reasonable for me to raise the money required to walk, so instead I show my support by volunteering to help the run the event.

Two years ago my friends Josh, Heidi, Mary and I volunteered and ran Rest Stop 1, which later converted to Rest Stop 3. The 2009 Overnight was in Chicago. We had a great time helping out and meeting people who understood this taboo topic. It was one of the best nights of my life and I felt like I truly belonged to something great.

I knew I had to be a part of the AFSP Overnight again. Unfortunately, I was not able to make it to Boston in 2010, but this year the Hubs and I made it to New York City and helped run Rest Stop 3. It was aonther amazing and touching night. I was grateful to, for the first time, be able to share something so important with my husband.

Next year's walk is in San Francisco. I hope to be volunteering with my husband and good friend Katie. Please take some time to look at the AFSP's website and consider supporting them. Thanks!

Flash Mob!

Every now and then a girl needs some adventure. So when my friend told me about a flash mob that was going to be in our area I HAD to join her! I even got a friend to join us too! It was grueling  practicing in an un-air conditioned room. But bursting out dancing in the middle of the street was great! Looking around the crowd all you could see is people with their camera phones recording. It was a pretty cool experience.