Tuesday, July 19, 2011

AFSP Out of the Darkness Overnight, NYC 2011

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a cause close to my heart. I have, and know, many people who struggle with depression or similar troubles. Every year they do what is called "The Overnight" and people walk from sundown to sun up. It isn't reasonable for me to raise the money required to walk, so instead I show my support by volunteering to help the run the event.

Two years ago my friends Josh, Heidi, Mary and I volunteered and ran Rest Stop 1, which later converted to Rest Stop 3. The 2009 Overnight was in Chicago. We had a great time helping out and meeting people who understood this taboo topic. It was one of the best nights of my life and I felt like I truly belonged to something great.

I knew I had to be a part of the AFSP Overnight again. Unfortunately, I was not able to make it to Boston in 2010, but this year the Hubs and I made it to New York City and helped run Rest Stop 3. It was aonther amazing and touching night. I was grateful to, for the first time, be able to share something so important with my husband.

Next year's walk is in San Francisco. I hope to be volunteering with my husband and good friend Katie. Please take some time to look at the AFSP's website and consider supporting them. Thanks!


  1. Meg,

    You are so amazing, I am just so proud and happy seeing pictures of you at the event...your husband sounds pretty great and supportive too. I would love to go next year!

    Love, Courtney

  2. Let's definately talk about it. I won't know for sure about next year until pretty close to the event, we are planning a trip to Europe, too...so hopefully I will have the time and money to do it all!
