Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Goals

  • I would like to be symptom free from my OCD. Now, I know I can't resolve this on my own. Something about nature doing its own thing...but I vow to do everything in my power to achieve this
  • I got two scars this year, both from silly accidents. I chopped off a chunk of finger while cooking and I burnt a semi circle into my arm at work. My goal for 2012: no more scars!
  • I would like to loose some weight. And by that I mean pant sizes, I don't care about the number on the scale. Ideally, I'd be back in the single digits, but I will settle for a 10 if I must.
  • I'm going to keep doing derby. I'd also like to work out at the gym. I will have to revisit that situation once my seasonal job ends.
  • I truly appreciate everything Joe does for us. My goal for 2012 is to show my appreciation.
  • My mom wants to do family meals once a month, I will do my best to help her accomplish this.

  • For the AFSP: I want to volunteer for the Overnight. It's in San Francisco this year, I want to be on the Walk Committee for the Chicagoland Walk, and volunteer the day of that walk as well.
  • If I could be useful, I'd like to do so for the International OCD Foundation Conference that is in Chicago in July.
  • Joe and I want to make a vacation out of the AFSP weekend. We'd like to spend a few days in SanFran and a few days in LA. I want Joe to see a Conan taping and go to Disneyland.
  • I want to start a Europe fund. As my family begins to plan for the International Feely Family Reunion, my heart physically aches from missing London. I don't know when it would be a responsible choice for Joe and I to make the trip, but I am definitely feeling a need to start saving for it.
  • I would like to completely clean and declutter the apartment and donate/sell/throw out things we don't need.
  • I would like to be more cautious about saving money. With my medical needs under control, it should be easier then the past year.
  • I have three years of scrapbooking to catch up on.
  • I have hundreds of recipes to organize.
  • I am going to go back to school and begin my certificate in Library Technical Assistance.
  • I would like to have a part time job by the end of the year (the sooner the better)
  • I really need to read more. I need to make it a greater priority in my life. So, every month I would like to read a book. Preferably a classic. But if a new Janet Evanovich comes out, that's OK, too.
  • I am taking Joe to see Jerry Seinfeld in March! I'm so excited to make him so excited!
  • It has been quite awhile since I have seen a play or a musical. I would really like to make time for that sometime in 2012.
  • Assuming Glee tours again, I would really like to see them preform. Especially since its the last year with the original cast. Nothing makes me quite as happy as a good Glee performance.
What are your plans for 2012?

    1 comment:

    1. Good luck! You can do it! (That's my way of "liking" since Blogspot doesn't have a "like" option)
