Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Help

Most of you know that I have started a Facebook Book Club. Basically I need to be held responsible in order to keep reading...I'm very busy and very easily distracted, but I LOVE reading. I was an English Literature Major after all! And this club will introduce me to stories I probably would not normally read.

September's book choice was The Help. It was a great book! It is based in 1960's Jackson, Mississippi and is about the relationship between white women and African American maids. It was heartbreaking for me to read the racial tension that took place in our country. But it was also an inspirational tale as one young woman wrote a book from the maid's point of view and supported all the women who shared their story with her. Its a must read!

I took myself to see the movie on Monday. Joe wanted to stay home, but I was sick of being trapped in my house while work was being done on my bathroom. There was one thing I liked better about the movie then book; the ending. I feel like the book left so many questions hanging about the future of the young author and the maids as they dealt with the aftermath of the tell-all book. The movie leaves the viewer hopeful that all will be OK with all of the women. An ending I would like to imagine.

October's book is Silent in the Grave.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

2011 Chicagoland Community Walk for Suicide Prevention

Yesterday was the local community walk for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention. My day started out with my alarm going off at 4am. For those of you who know me, you know what a huge deal that is! I arrived at the site (Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village) at 5am. We (Walk Committee and Volunteers) set up for the event: tables, chairs, unloading and organizing of trucks and posting signs around the Forest Preserve. And then the walkers came! A record setting 2,383 registered walkers! And, the record setting walkers also equaled large fundraising amount, over $330,000! And donations are still being accepted until December 31st!

 Because I had such support from my friends and family, I also walked the walk once it began. My friend Katie was there and we got to walk together. After the event it was take down time and then returning the Uhaul that was donated. It was about 3pm by the time I got home to take a very brief nap. But it was a wonderful day! And I am very grateful for all of my donors and supportive friends and family. I can't wait to volunteer and walk again next year!

Friday, September 23, 2011

10 Things My Friends Have Taught Me

  1. There is always a reason to eat chocolate cake. Always.
  2. I do not dislike all Sci-Fi's.
  3. Cold water burns more calories then warm.
  4. I am capable of more then I think I am.
  5. I have an adventurous side that needs to be nurtured.
  6. Passports MUST  be stamped like crazy.
  7. Salads can be can peanut butter.
  8. There is power in numbers.
  9. Creativity needs to be nurtured.
  10. Its OK to be addicted to dishes.
What have your friends taught you?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Julie and Julia vs. Meg and Ree

As I'm sure most of you know by now, there was an author named Julie Powell who wrote about her experience cooking all of Julia Childs' recipes in Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year. It was an interesting concept and had me thinking about what cookbooks I would like to make everything in.

By now, I'm sure you have all gathered that I like the Pioneer Woman and her cookbook; The Pioneer Woman Cooks. Before I continue, I would like to once again explain why.
  1. I grocery shop at Walmart and Target. There has only been one ingredient I could not find in either of those stores...and to be honest, I'm not sure I checked at Walmart.
  2. The woman is practical. She gives options if you are missing some ingredient or uses dried herbs occasionally instead of fresh. Basically she lives in the middle of no where, so her ingredients have to be something she can have easy access to.
  3. She gives ideas on how to preserve the food. Example: when and how to freeze or store a recipe, etc (until my husband went searching, I had a pie plate of her Cinnamon Rolls in my freezer).
  4. And while this doesn't have anything to do with her cooking, her writing is amusing. Who doesn't like to be reminded to poor yourself a glass of wine while cooking with it? Or to use more butter? Wine and butter are good...although probably not together.
So, no, I am not going to be writing about every recipe I make. And I do not have a time frame on which to cook everything in her cookbook. I have been choosing two to three recipes a week and giving it a shot. The more I cook the more I realize I may end up doing the whole book and cooking something I would not have normally cooked. For example, I think I may end up making her prune cake...and that is not something I would have said when I first purchased the book and I believe it to be a true possibility now.

I guess we will see how this goes and how it is followed through. I may post occasional blogs about my progress, but I will not be writing about every recipe.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dorothy's Zucchini Bread

One of my old coworkers from my Sisters of St. Joseph days makes this AMAZING Zucchini Bread. I begged her for the recipe! Its absolutely delicious (and if you shred all your summer zucchini at once you can freeze it in 2cup portions to use all year.) Anyway, here it is so you can try it!

Zucchini Bread

3 Eggs
1 cup of oil
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 8.25oz can of crushed pineapple
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
optional: 1 cup dates/nuts
2 cups shredded zucchini

1. Beat eggs, mix in oil, sugar and vanilla until thick
2. Stir in remaining ingredients, stirring well.
3. Add zucchini and its juices
4. poor into a mini loaf pan and bake at 350 for 25 minutes, or poor into 2 loaf pans and bake for an hour

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Husband's Game Day Dip

This is by no means a Graf Original, but it is one of my husband's favorites. Since I have one in the oven and we are watching the Bear's game, I figured I'd share. Enjoy!

Chili Cheese Dip

8oz cream cheese
1 can of chili (We use Hormel's Hot with Beans)
Shredded Cheddar (we shred our own, I don't like the flour in packaged cheese)
Tortilla Chips

1. Layer the cream cheese, chili and cheddar in a pie plate
2. Bake at 350 for about 15minutes, or when the cheese is melted
3. Enjoy with tortilla chips

Note: if my husband is near this dip, you want to make two..just trust me...

Ten Years Ago

It is both unfortunate and fortunate that I do not have a lot of memories of September 11, 2001. I only have memories of when I first found out what had happened. I was in Student Services getting some paperwork and they had the TV on. The TV said that a plane had run into the World Trade Towers in New York City. I was confused. This was the first time I had heard of the World Trade Towers. I quickly realized they were important, full business buildings. When I finished with my paperwork, I went back to photo class and told the teacher what I had learned: a plane had crashed in New York City. That is all I remember from that actual day. Of course I remember that our country united after the tragedy. I wish I could remember more of that day, what we learned as the day developed. On the other hand I am glad I don't have memories of that horror and pain. Today especially, my heart goes to all those left behind, all our men and women in uniform and especially the greatness of our country. While I know its incredibly idealistic, I prayed for peace last night and that people learn to love each other.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Things I've Learned This Summer

I've l earned a  lot of things this summer. Who expected to be learning during the summer? Not me, that's for sure, the summer is suppose to be about having fun. Here is what I learned:

1. I do not like exercise. I get bored. And I feel horrible about that. I wish I liked it, I really really do. I am very much looking forward to my Derby based exercise class. I think it will be enough variety to hold my interest. Plus, I am taking it with a very good friend, so I think it will just be a great time. I'm hoping it at least gets me working out once a week, but ideally I would like to work out AT LEAST every other day.

2. Lesson Number Two. Find the good and appreciate it. Just trust me on this one. You don't want to look back with regret for not appreciating something. Also, when life sucks, finding the good and focusing on that will help you get through it.

3. Cats are sneaky. They will run out the door and you won't even see them. Then you are going to feel like a bad kitty mommy because one day you lock November on the balcony and then a few nights later you lock Tiger in the hallway. I seriously do not know how that happened...I know they are fast and love to run out the doors and every time I open a door I look to make sure they aren't in the way. The fact that it happened to me twice in one week is horrifying and embarrassing. Kitty mom FAIL.

4. I need to stay busy. If you know ANYTHING about me that isn't news. But I used to think I would like staying home all day and taking care of my man and house and one day babies. And then I found myself unemployed for two months, with at least one more month before my new job starts. I need more go go go. I need to be rushed and have a coffee in my hands. I think its being stuck in the same place all day that gets to me. I'm so used to living in my car going from place to place that this lack of variety is such a huge shock to my system. Being busy is just how my body works best. I need to have a list of things to do and a crazy time frame in which to complete them. It may not be healthy, but it is what I need to function well. I am so grateful to be able to volunteer for the AFSP during this next month, and to have another project I am working on for a friend. God willing, these two projects will get me through the next month and then I can start working regularly again! If you find yourself with too much free time in the next month give me a call!

I guess those are my four lessons of the summer. Lets hope the fall is better then my summer! And without runaway kitties.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Healthier Lifestyle

Well, I guess its time to be honest. The dieting isn't going as good as I had hoped and there has been no exercising. I wish I liked to exercise, I really do. I am going to be taking a Roller Derby inspired exercise class starting next week, I hope that helps get me in the mood to exercise. As for the dieting, I have been making better choices, both with content and portion size. But I still have a long way I want to go. Problem is I like food. I love good food. So I have to work on making healthy food yummy. Lets hope for a better status update next week!

Thought of the Day

The theme today is finding yourself. First thing you should do is decide what you want to be. Then work towards making that happen. -Simon

(This was the message, by the time I got to the computer I forgot the exact words.)