Monday, September 5, 2011

Things I've Learned This Summer

I've l earned a  lot of things this summer. Who expected to be learning during the summer? Not me, that's for sure, the summer is suppose to be about having fun. Here is what I learned:

1. I do not like exercise. I get bored. And I feel horrible about that. I wish I liked it, I really really do. I am very much looking forward to my Derby based exercise class. I think it will be enough variety to hold my interest. Plus, I am taking it with a very good friend, so I think it will just be a great time. I'm hoping it at least gets me working out once a week, but ideally I would like to work out AT LEAST every other day.

2. Lesson Number Two. Find the good and appreciate it. Just trust me on this one. You don't want to look back with regret for not appreciating something. Also, when life sucks, finding the good and focusing on that will help you get through it.

3. Cats are sneaky. They will run out the door and you won't even see them. Then you are going to feel like a bad kitty mommy because one day you lock November on the balcony and then a few nights later you lock Tiger in the hallway. I seriously do not know how that happened...I know they are fast and love to run out the doors and every time I open a door I look to make sure they aren't in the way. The fact that it happened to me twice in one week is horrifying and embarrassing. Kitty mom FAIL.

4. I need to stay busy. If you know ANYTHING about me that isn't news. But I used to think I would like staying home all day and taking care of my man and house and one day babies. And then I found myself unemployed for two months, with at least one more month before my new job starts. I need more go go go. I need to be rushed and have a coffee in my hands. I think its being stuck in the same place all day that gets to me. I'm so used to living in my car going from place to place that this lack of variety is such a huge shock to my system. Being busy is just how my body works best. I need to have a list of things to do and a crazy time frame in which to complete them. It may not be healthy, but it is what I need to function well. I am so grateful to be able to volunteer for the AFSP during this next month, and to have another project I am working on for a friend. God willing, these two projects will get me through the next month and then I can start working regularly again! If you find yourself with too much free time in the next month give me a call!

I guess those are my four lessons of the summer. Lets hope the fall is better then my summer! And without runaway kitties.

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