Sunday, September 25, 2011

2011 Chicagoland Community Walk for Suicide Prevention

Yesterday was the local community walk for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention. My day started out with my alarm going off at 4am. For those of you who know me, you know what a huge deal that is! I arrived at the site (Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village) at 5am. We (Walk Committee and Volunteers) set up for the event: tables, chairs, unloading and organizing of trucks and posting signs around the Forest Preserve. And then the walkers came! A record setting 2,383 registered walkers! And, the record setting walkers also equaled large fundraising amount, over $330,000! And donations are still being accepted until December 31st!

 Because I had such support from my friends and family, I also walked the walk once it began. My friend Katie was there and we got to walk together. After the event it was take down time and then returning the Uhaul that was donated. It was about 3pm by the time I got home to take a very brief nap. But it was a wonderful day! And I am very grateful for all of my donors and supportive friends and family. I can't wait to volunteer and walk again next year!

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