Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Goals

  • I would like to be symptom free from my OCD. Now, I know I can't resolve this on my own. Something about nature doing its own thing...but I vow to do everything in my power to achieve this
  • I got two scars this year, both from silly accidents. I chopped off a chunk of finger while cooking and I burnt a semi circle into my arm at work. My goal for 2012: no more scars!
  • I would like to loose some weight. And by that I mean pant sizes, I don't care about the number on the scale. Ideally, I'd be back in the single digits, but I will settle for a 10 if I must.
  • I'm going to keep doing derby. I'd also like to work out at the gym. I will have to revisit that situation once my seasonal job ends.
  • I truly appreciate everything Joe does for us. My goal for 2012 is to show my appreciation.
  • My mom wants to do family meals once a month, I will do my best to help her accomplish this.

  • For the AFSP: I want to volunteer for the Overnight. It's in San Francisco this year, I want to be on the Walk Committee for the Chicagoland Walk, and volunteer the day of that walk as well.
  • If I could be useful, I'd like to do so for the International OCD Foundation Conference that is in Chicago in July.
  • Joe and I want to make a vacation out of the AFSP weekend. We'd like to spend a few days in SanFran and a few days in LA. I want Joe to see a Conan taping and go to Disneyland.
  • I want to start a Europe fund. As my family begins to plan for the International Feely Family Reunion, my heart physically aches from missing London. I don't know when it would be a responsible choice for Joe and I to make the trip, but I am definitely feeling a need to start saving for it.
  • I would like to completely clean and declutter the apartment and donate/sell/throw out things we don't need.
  • I would like to be more cautious about saving money. With my medical needs under control, it should be easier then the past year.
  • I have three years of scrapbooking to catch up on.
  • I have hundreds of recipes to organize.
  • I am going to go back to school and begin my certificate in Library Technical Assistance.
  • I would like to have a part time job by the end of the year (the sooner the better)
  • I really need to read more. I need to make it a greater priority in my life. So, every month I would like to read a book. Preferably a classic. But if a new Janet Evanovich comes out, that's OK, too.
  • I am taking Joe to see Jerry Seinfeld in March! I'm so excited to make him so excited!
  • It has been quite awhile since I have seen a play or a musical. I would really like to make time for that sometime in 2012.
  • Assuming Glee tours again, I would really like to see them preform. Especially since its the last year with the original cast. Nothing makes me quite as happy as a good Glee performance.
What are your plans for 2012?

    Monday, December 26, 2011

    The Cinch! Diet

    Well, its no secret my weight has been a struggle since the OCD and its meds came back. To make matters worse, exercise bores me (hence, the derby classes) and I love to cook and eat. Especially cooking, its calming and helps me focus on high anxiety days. A coworker, knowing my struggles, suggested I read this book Cinch! by Cynthia Sass. I am halfway through the book and looking forward to trying this meal plan. There are lots of things about this meal that have me excited:
    1. Its a 30 day program. Knowing that I will have an end date will help me stay focused and conquer this challenge.
    2. It starts with a 5 day detox/cleanse that includes eating four meals a day of "super foods" (yogurt, spinach, raspberries, almonds and eggs). This jump start to the diet will provide me with some visible results which will encourage me to complete the 30 day program.
    3. Sass provides many different recipes that fulfill the requirements of her diet (the 25 day plan): lean protein, produce, whole grain, plant based fat (ie almonds/avocados) and nonfattening seasonings (herbs, vinegars, citrus. NOT: salt or butter). I am to eat four meals through out the day. The recipes have a wide arrange of flavor and options, which will allow me to enjoy the food I am eating.
    4. There is a mandatory chocolate break every day. Just a small dark chocolate truffle to help me get through this adjustment.
    5. The book will also teach me how to build my own meals following her formula. This means that once I get the hang of portion sizes and flavor options I will be able to make meals of my own.
    Now, ideally, I will keep up with the jist of this diet after my 30 days. But to be realistic I am doing three things:
    1. Starting January 1. Missing out on all those yummy New Year's Eve snacks would have me back to square one in a heartbeat.
    2. Only committing myself to 30 days. I am hoping it will be enough to change my schedule and taste buds so I can make a permanent healthy choice, but reintegrate yummy things like salt and butter in small portions.
    3. I am going to be blogging about this process. Feeling held accountable will give me a little push when my hubby pulls out the PW Cinnamon Rolls I have in the freezer.
    Time to finish the book and get my detox groceries.

    Saturday, December 24, 2011

    Thursday, December 22, 2011

    Best. Christmas. Tradition. Ever.

    Besides seeing all my family within two days, my favorite holiday tradition is Cookie Day with my cousin/sister Natalie. This year we decided to tackle 12 recipes, for the 12 days of Christmas. On the list:
    1. Gluten Free Sugar Cookies
    2. Sugar Cookies
    3. Gingerbread
    4. Thin Mints
    5. Lemon Bars
    6. Truffles
    7. Pumpkin Chip
    8. Fudge
    9. Oreo Truffles
    10. Chocolate Truffles
    11. Raspberry Kolackys
    12. Peanut Butter Mocha Cookies
    This is what my house looked like before:


    Not Pictured: when I set a kitchen towel on fire.

    After (Before you see this picture I want to very clearly state that Nat and I are incredibly grateful):
    There is no doubt I have the world's best husband!

      Tuesday, December 20, 2011

      Year In Review

      Well this has been a long and tough year. The majority of this year was focused on me attempting to beat this dang OCD. As the year comes to an end I am proud to say that:
      1. I got through the worst and am in much better shape then I was this time last year.
      2. I learned the importance of doing your own research and finding specialists.
      3. I have no doubt as to how much my husband loves me.
      There was also some pretty cool parts to this year:

      1. I got to participate in the AFSP Overnight in NYC and I got to be on the walk committee (and participate in the walk)  for the Chicagoland Community Walk and volunteer with Survivors of Suicide day.
      2. I discovered the joy of Blackberry Cobbler.
      3. I met a lot of cool people.
      Next week I will be discussing what 2012 will hopefully look like! It's guaranteed to be a good one!

      Sunday, December 18, 2011

      A Cook Book I Am Excited About

      A work friend recently told me about the cook book Don't Panic -Dinner's in the Freezer. It is a cook book based on the theory of spending one day cooking, and freezing several meals for later use. This is a HUGE compromise for Joe and I. Joe likes food that is quick and easy, and I like everything homemade. The book teaches to buy meat when its on sale and then make multiple meals out of it. So, if chicken is on sale; I would buy a bunch of it, make chicken enchiladas and freeze them in meal size portions for later use. I am looking forward to try cooking with this theory, especially since Joe and I are still working and have not had a meal together in at least a week.

      Friday, December 16, 2011


      For those of you who don't know, I got a seasonal job at the local mall. Basically I was just sick of being home everyday and this was a fantastic opportunity to stay busy. But let me tell you....the mall two weeks before Christmas is hell on your stand-all-day-retail feet. I've been working hours that are AWESOME with my natural body clock (start at 3 work til 11, go to bed at 2) but because of the large amount of customers and a corporate visit, I have been putting in lots of extra hours. Next week I am scheduled for 37.5 hours. This is wonderful for my wallet of course, and I am very grateful to have a job, even if its only for a few weeks. Here's to hoping I get a good night's sleep!

      Wednesday, December 14, 2011

      A Day By Myself

      Today I have the day off work and my husband is gone working. Because of my 11 hour work day yesterday, I allowed myself to sleep in. But now its time to get busy. On the list of things to do before I attend a meeting this evening:

      1. empty dishwasher
      2. finish Christmas cards...I only finished the A's and the B's....I see a hand cramp coming on
      3. laundry?
      4. find and organize all Christmas cookie recipes so my cousin and I can be efficient next week
      5. straighten and clean (in theory...but Christmas cards come first!)
      6. check out a new cookbook I got last night
      7. catch up on DVR (as evidence of how long yesterday was: I didn't even stay up to watch Glee)
      ...I think that will keep me busy 'til I have to leave at 430....

      Monday, December 12, 2011

      Why Decorating Is Taking Us Three Days

      Usually we get our tree and decorate our house the Sunday after Thanksgiving. This year, we are not only behind but we will not be going all out, like we would  normally do. The cause: I am working. Not only am I working, but Joe and I work opposite hours. This means that for five days in a row we are not at home or functional at the same time. Consequently, that leaves errands, unwinding, family and fun time to occur Sunday and Monday. We hope to have a decorated tree by the end of the night!

      Here is a peek at the tree:

      Saturday, December 10, 2011


      I have committed to blogging every other day this month. But today is one of those days where NOTHING goes as planned. Consequently, there are no blogging ideas for today. I will come up with something awesome for Monday!

      Thursday, December 8, 2011

      Get 'Er Done

      Today is my day off from work. I know this isn't a big deal, because I work part time...but the fact that I am off work and have no other plans is HUGE!

      I started off my morning by picking up a friend from Panama at O'Hare. Then I went on a shopping spree and finished all of our Christmas shopping. Now I am baking dessert for tonight and sticky rolls. Then, I am returning to have dinner with my friend before she leaves Chicago.

      Now, if only I have the discipline to do laundry tonight.....

      Tuesday, December 6, 2011

      My Nativity Scene

      My favorite Christmas decoration is my nativity scene. For many, many years, my Godmother would give me a single piece of the set at Christmas. One year it would be Joseph, the other a wise man, etc. Then, at my wedding shower she gave me the stable. I was near tears, it was so sentimental. So, while I love all parts of Christmas (especially baking and seeing all my family within two days), this has a special place in my heart.

      Sunday, December 4, 2011


      I have this nasty addiction to celebrity "news" sites. Today on my daily website reading I came across two very inspiring stories. Because of my "coming out" as a survivor of OCD, I found these two girls inspirational. They both did a lot of work to end stigmas to their individual stories. Kayla spoke out about what it is like for her to be gay and Demi Lovato often speaks out about her struggle with eating disorders, self injury and bipolar disorder. To honor them, and to continue my campaign for ending stigmas, I would like to share some of their stories with you tonight. These girls are wiser and stronger then their age would suggest. I admire them both for their confidence in sharing their stories.

      Kayla's story:

      Demi's story:,,20550971,00.html

      Friday, December 2, 2011

      Destroying My Kitchen

      Cooking is a HUGE stress reliever for me. Consequently I do a LOT of it. This week was no exception. I made prune cake, zucchini bread and 16 trays of cinnamon rolls. I'm usually not a baker, but this week seems to have changed that. Next week I'll probably make friend chicken and maybe Joe's dad's pork chops.

      As one can imagine, spending this amount of time in the kitchen is bad if you like your pots, pans and bowls clean. So, Joe and I now call my cooking/baking marathons "destroying the kitchen." I believe my next big destroying will come when my cousin and I bake our Christmas cookies. And I can not wait!