Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Goals

  • I would like to be symptom free from my OCD. Now, I know I can't resolve this on my own. Something about nature doing its own thing...but I vow to do everything in my power to achieve this
  • I got two scars this year, both from silly accidents. I chopped off a chunk of finger while cooking and I burnt a semi circle into my arm at work. My goal for 2012: no more scars!
  • I would like to loose some weight. And by that I mean pant sizes, I don't care about the number on the scale. Ideally, I'd be back in the single digits, but I will settle for a 10 if I must.
  • I'm going to keep doing derby. I'd also like to work out at the gym. I will have to revisit that situation once my seasonal job ends.
  • I truly appreciate everything Joe does for us. My goal for 2012 is to show my appreciation.
  • My mom wants to do family meals once a month, I will do my best to help her accomplish this.

  • For the AFSP: I want to volunteer for the Overnight. It's in San Francisco this year, I want to be on the Walk Committee for the Chicagoland Walk, and volunteer the day of that walk as well.
  • If I could be useful, I'd like to do so for the International OCD Foundation Conference that is in Chicago in July.
  • Joe and I want to make a vacation out of the AFSP weekend. We'd like to spend a few days in SanFran and a few days in LA. I want Joe to see a Conan taping and go to Disneyland.
  • I want to start a Europe fund. As my family begins to plan for the International Feely Family Reunion, my heart physically aches from missing London. I don't know when it would be a responsible choice for Joe and I to make the trip, but I am definitely feeling a need to start saving for it.
  • I would like to completely clean and declutter the apartment and donate/sell/throw out things we don't need.
  • I would like to be more cautious about saving money. With my medical needs under control, it should be easier then the past year.
  • I have three years of scrapbooking to catch up on.
  • I have hundreds of recipes to organize.
  • I am going to go back to school and begin my certificate in Library Technical Assistance.
  • I would like to have a part time job by the end of the year (the sooner the better)
  • I really need to read more. I need to make it a greater priority in my life. So, every month I would like to read a book. Preferably a classic. But if a new Janet Evanovich comes out, that's OK, too.
  • I am taking Joe to see Jerry Seinfeld in March! I'm so excited to make him so excited!
  • It has been quite awhile since I have seen a play or a musical. I would really like to make time for that sometime in 2012.
  • Assuming Glee tours again, I would really like to see them preform. Especially since its the last year with the original cast. Nothing makes me quite as happy as a good Glee performance.
What are your plans for 2012?

    Monday, December 26, 2011

    The Cinch! Diet

    Well, its no secret my weight has been a struggle since the OCD and its meds came back. To make matters worse, exercise bores me (hence, the derby classes) and I love to cook and eat. Especially cooking, its calming and helps me focus on high anxiety days. A coworker, knowing my struggles, suggested I read this book Cinch! by Cynthia Sass. I am halfway through the book and looking forward to trying this meal plan. There are lots of things about this meal that have me excited:
    1. Its a 30 day program. Knowing that I will have an end date will help me stay focused and conquer this challenge.
    2. It starts with a 5 day detox/cleanse that includes eating four meals a day of "super foods" (yogurt, spinach, raspberries, almonds and eggs). This jump start to the diet will provide me with some visible results which will encourage me to complete the 30 day program.
    3. Sass provides many different recipes that fulfill the requirements of her diet (the 25 day plan): lean protein, produce, whole grain, plant based fat (ie almonds/avocados) and nonfattening seasonings (herbs, vinegars, citrus. NOT: salt or butter). I am to eat four meals through out the day. The recipes have a wide arrange of flavor and options, which will allow me to enjoy the food I am eating.
    4. There is a mandatory chocolate break every day. Just a small dark chocolate truffle to help me get through this adjustment.
    5. The book will also teach me how to build my own meals following her formula. This means that once I get the hang of portion sizes and flavor options I will be able to make meals of my own.
    Now, ideally, I will keep up with the jist of this diet after my 30 days. But to be realistic I am doing three things:
    1. Starting January 1. Missing out on all those yummy New Year's Eve snacks would have me back to square one in a heartbeat.
    2. Only committing myself to 30 days. I am hoping it will be enough to change my schedule and taste buds so I can make a permanent healthy choice, but reintegrate yummy things like salt and butter in small portions.
    3. I am going to be blogging about this process. Feeling held accountable will give me a little push when my hubby pulls out the PW Cinnamon Rolls I have in the freezer.
    Time to finish the book and get my detox groceries.

    Saturday, December 24, 2011

    Thursday, December 22, 2011

    Best. Christmas. Tradition. Ever.

    Besides seeing all my family within two days, my favorite holiday tradition is Cookie Day with my cousin/sister Natalie. This year we decided to tackle 12 recipes, for the 12 days of Christmas. On the list:
    1. Gluten Free Sugar Cookies
    2. Sugar Cookies
    3. Gingerbread
    4. Thin Mints
    5. Lemon Bars
    6. Truffles
    7. Pumpkin Chip
    8. Fudge
    9. Oreo Truffles
    10. Chocolate Truffles
    11. Raspberry Kolackys
    12. Peanut Butter Mocha Cookies
    This is what my house looked like before:


    Not Pictured: when I set a kitchen towel on fire.

    After (Before you see this picture I want to very clearly state that Nat and I are incredibly grateful):
    There is no doubt I have the world's best husband!

      Tuesday, December 20, 2011

      Year In Review

      Well this has been a long and tough year. The majority of this year was focused on me attempting to beat this dang OCD. As the year comes to an end I am proud to say that:
      1. I got through the worst and am in much better shape then I was this time last year.
      2. I learned the importance of doing your own research and finding specialists.
      3. I have no doubt as to how much my husband loves me.
      There was also some pretty cool parts to this year:

      1. I got to participate in the AFSP Overnight in NYC and I got to be on the walk committee (and participate in the walk)  for the Chicagoland Community Walk and volunteer with Survivors of Suicide day.
      2. I discovered the joy of Blackberry Cobbler.
      3. I met a lot of cool people.
      Next week I will be discussing what 2012 will hopefully look like! It's guaranteed to be a good one!

      Sunday, December 18, 2011

      A Cook Book I Am Excited About

      A work friend recently told me about the cook book Don't Panic -Dinner's in the Freezer. It is a cook book based on the theory of spending one day cooking, and freezing several meals for later use. This is a HUGE compromise for Joe and I. Joe likes food that is quick and easy, and I like everything homemade. The book teaches to buy meat when its on sale and then make multiple meals out of it. So, if chicken is on sale; I would buy a bunch of it, make chicken enchiladas and freeze them in meal size portions for later use. I am looking forward to try cooking with this theory, especially since Joe and I are still working and have not had a meal together in at least a week.

      Friday, December 16, 2011


      For those of you who don't know, I got a seasonal job at the local mall. Basically I was just sick of being home everyday and this was a fantastic opportunity to stay busy. But let me tell you....the mall two weeks before Christmas is hell on your stand-all-day-retail feet. I've been working hours that are AWESOME with my natural body clock (start at 3 work til 11, go to bed at 2) but because of the large amount of customers and a corporate visit, I have been putting in lots of extra hours. Next week I am scheduled for 37.5 hours. This is wonderful for my wallet of course, and I am very grateful to have a job, even if its only for a few weeks. Here's to hoping I get a good night's sleep!

      Wednesday, December 14, 2011

      A Day By Myself

      Today I have the day off work and my husband is gone working. Because of my 11 hour work day yesterday, I allowed myself to sleep in. But now its time to get busy. On the list of things to do before I attend a meeting this evening:

      1. empty dishwasher
      2. finish Christmas cards...I only finished the A's and the B's....I see a hand cramp coming on
      3. laundry?
      4. find and organize all Christmas cookie recipes so my cousin and I can be efficient next week
      5. straighten and clean (in theory...but Christmas cards come first!)
      6. check out a new cookbook I got last night
      7. catch up on DVR (as evidence of how long yesterday was: I didn't even stay up to watch Glee)
      ...I think that will keep me busy 'til I have to leave at 430....

      Monday, December 12, 2011

      Why Decorating Is Taking Us Three Days

      Usually we get our tree and decorate our house the Sunday after Thanksgiving. This year, we are not only behind but we will not be going all out, like we would  normally do. The cause: I am working. Not only am I working, but Joe and I work opposite hours. This means that for five days in a row we are not at home or functional at the same time. Consequently, that leaves errands, unwinding, family and fun time to occur Sunday and Monday. We hope to have a decorated tree by the end of the night!

      Here is a peek at the tree:

      Saturday, December 10, 2011


      I have committed to blogging every other day this month. But today is one of those days where NOTHING goes as planned. Consequently, there are no blogging ideas for today. I will come up with something awesome for Monday!

      Thursday, December 8, 2011

      Get 'Er Done

      Today is my day off from work. I know this isn't a big deal, because I work part time...but the fact that I am off work and have no other plans is HUGE!

      I started off my morning by picking up a friend from Panama at O'Hare. Then I went on a shopping spree and finished all of our Christmas shopping. Now I am baking dessert for tonight and sticky rolls. Then, I am returning to have dinner with my friend before she leaves Chicago.

      Now, if only I have the discipline to do laundry tonight.....

      Tuesday, December 6, 2011

      My Nativity Scene

      My favorite Christmas decoration is my nativity scene. For many, many years, my Godmother would give me a single piece of the set at Christmas. One year it would be Joseph, the other a wise man, etc. Then, at my wedding shower she gave me the stable. I was near tears, it was so sentimental. So, while I love all parts of Christmas (especially baking and seeing all my family within two days), this has a special place in my heart.

      Sunday, December 4, 2011


      I have this nasty addiction to celebrity "news" sites. Today on my daily website reading I came across two very inspiring stories. Because of my "coming out" as a survivor of OCD, I found these two girls inspirational. They both did a lot of work to end stigmas to their individual stories. Kayla spoke out about what it is like for her to be gay and Demi Lovato often speaks out about her struggle with eating disorders, self injury and bipolar disorder. To honor them, and to continue my campaign for ending stigmas, I would like to share some of their stories with you tonight. These girls are wiser and stronger then their age would suggest. I admire them both for their confidence in sharing their stories.

      Kayla's story:

      Demi's story:,,20550971,00.html

      Friday, December 2, 2011

      Destroying My Kitchen

      Cooking is a HUGE stress reliever for me. Consequently I do a LOT of it. This week was no exception. I made prune cake, zucchini bread and 16 trays of cinnamon rolls. I'm usually not a baker, but this week seems to have changed that. Next week I'll probably make friend chicken and maybe Joe's dad's pork chops.

      As one can imagine, spending this amount of time in the kitchen is bad if you like your pots, pans and bowls clean. So, Joe and I now call my cooking/baking marathons "destroying the kitchen." I believe my next big destroying will come when my cousin and I bake our Christmas cookies. And I can not wait!

      Wednesday, November 30, 2011

      The End Of NaBloPoMo

      Today marks the end of November's NaBloPoMo. While there is another one for the month of December, I realize I do not have enough to say to write every day. However, I find this outlet for my creativity important to me, so I will be blogging every other day in December. Guess I'll see ya'll in two weeks....and I think it will be a recipe post!

      Tuesday, November 29, 2011

      Prune Cake

      As part of my Julie and Julia vs Meg and Ree challenge, I made prune cake last night. Bad news? It took far too many bowls and pots. Good news? It tastes pretty yummy. My next recipe will likely be Maple Scones, I'm looking forward to that one.

      Monday, November 28, 2011

      3 Years With Joe

      Today is our three year wedding anniversary. While we are not celebrating today, or on our nine years of togetherness anniversary, we did have some fun little dates yesterday. We got massages, went to the Museum of Science and Industry and got pizza from our favorite south side pizzeria. It was a low key celebration this year, but that's alright because we have far too many other things going on right now to use the time or money to celebrate in a fancier way. So, Happy Anniversary honey! I love you!

      Sunday, November 27, 2011

      Day Off Line

      I had intended to spend the day off line today. Every couple months I take a personal day to just relax and be by myself. Today is the day! However, since I have committed to NaBloPoMo, I did have to post today. So now I am going to go take myself a post-massage nap. See ya'll tomorrow!

      Saturday, November 26, 2011

      Nine Years With Joe

      Today is my husbands and my nine year anniversary (of being together, not married). And Monday is our three year wedding anniversary. As is typical with our conflicting schedules, we may not be seeing each today (I woke up briefly when he went to work...not sure that counts) of have much quality time Monday. Thankfully, my boss is super cool, and gave me off tomorrow for us to celebrate. We are doing a low key date this year. We are going to get massages and have dinner together, then probably watch movies.

      I love my Joe. He is the best husband ever! I look forward to many many more years with him!

      Friday, November 25, 2011

      Working Black Friday

      I was a little nervous when I found out I was working Black Friday. Thankfully, by the time I got to the mall at 9:30 their wasn't any craziness and I even got a good parking spot! Things did pick up as the afternoon progressed, though. And now, I am going to go rest. My body forgot what standing for eight hours felt like.

      Thursday, November 24, 2011

      10 Things I Am Thankful For

      1. My husband
      2. My family
      3. My friends
      4. A warm place to live
      5. Good food
      6. Having a job (even if its only for the holidays)
      7. Warm showers
      8. Soft sweaters
      9. My smart phone
      10. DVR

      Wednesday, November 23, 2011

      The Weightloss Struggle Continues

      Today I had to go to the store to get pants for tomorrow. If I didn't I was limited to jeans or a dress, none of my nice clothes fit. When I bought my pants I had to go up another size...or two. PLEASE encourage me hold me accountable. I shall begin working out next week (too many family parties and anniversaries this weekend).

      Tuesday, November 22, 2011

      Things I Would Like To Be Remembered For

      As this blog is a journey about self discovery, I have made some progress as to who I want to be. This thought process lead to a list of things I want to be remembered for:

      1. EVERYTHING is better homemade
      2. a loyal friend
      3. devoted wife
      4. the importance of my volunteer work
      Well, its not much, but its what I have thus far. I am assuming this list will continue to grow as the self discovery continues.

      Monday, November 21, 2011

      Election Time Again (NOT a political post)

      I have a friend who is a news/political junkie like I am and recently we were talking about the first election we could remember. I remember being in first grade and being so scared that President Bush wasn't going to be reelected. I was scared that our country was going to have a new President. Even at age 7 I had anxiety about it! Now election-time is exciting to me. Going out to cast my vote and then sitting at home all night watching the returns to see if my guy or gal won! I'm already looking forward to next year's Presidential Election!

      Sunday, November 20, 2011

      You Know You Have A Fiesta Problem When....

      For those of you who don't know.....I am addicted to my fiestaware. Like, visit the third level of Macy's just to look at the newest color addicted. It makes me happy. All the colors make my kitchen a happy place, which is good, because I love cooking. Anyways, back to the dishes.

      This is what my birthday presents from my family looked like:

      My parents got me this individual casserole and rectangle baking dish (both in Paprika)

      This is holding Blackberry Cobbler, which I am equally addicted to.

      And my brother gave me money, which turned into this:
      Ramekins in the five newest colors!

      I am a happy girl!

      Saturday, November 19, 2011

      International Survivors of Suicide Day

      As many of you know, I have been volunteering for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for several years now. In this time I have volunteered to work rest stops for two Overnight walks, I have walked one community walk two years ago, and have walked and help run a community walk this year. Today I volunteered for my first International Survivors of Suicide Day. I only did behind the scenes stuff, but I was grateful to be able to help. I hope to be able to help with this event again next year.

      Friday, November 18, 2011

      The Blog Post I Didn't Think I'd Ever Write

      There were somethings I was planning on never talking about in this blog. The plan was to keep somethings private and not share with the world. Last night changed that.

      Last night I was watching Private Practice. It was a two hour special that followed one of the doctors through her struggle with addiction. During the episode a debate between two doctors (neither the addict) occurred comparing and contrasting heart disease and addiction. Basically, they are both diseases, neither of which a person is responsible for contracting. (Note: there are things you can do to treat both these illnesses, and I encourage people to seek that treatment.) As the show continued, I realized how common and acceptable addiction has become. No one is looked down on for admitting they are an addict and have been clean for any amount of time. I have even seen strangers congratulate and encourage people upon learning they have become sober. As I sat in bed watching, it then occurred to me how far behind society is on mental illness.  Physical conditions (ie heart disease) are accepted without the blink of an eye. Addiction issues are becoming main stream and less taboo. Yet mental illness continues to have this huge black stigma cloud hanging over it. The reason? I believe its because people don't understand it. And why is that? Because people do not talk about it much, not the people suffering, the people treating the disorders or the media. The lack of understanding and accurate information on mental illness prevents people from seeking help, keeps people ashamed of their illness and does not provide the support that someone needs (however, if it was a more physical ailment they would have people lined up to help them in a heart beat). Naturally, the fix would be to make mental illness a less taboo topic. I quickly realized that if I wasn't willing to take a step in this direction, I certainly couldn't expect other to do the same. So....

      My name is Meg, and I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is not my fault, I did not bring it on myself, my brain chemicals and neurons just do not always work properly. With the proper treatment (which I have) I am able to live a normal and mostly symptom free life. I refuse to feel ashamed for something is not my fault. I am hoping my honesty will be a step forward in destigmatizing of mental illness. If you know anyone suffering from a mental illness I ask you to please not look at them any differently then you would if they had a physical illness. It is not their fault anymore then cancer would be.

      Thursday, November 17, 2011

      Trying To Focus On The Good

      Sometimes, well often, unfavorable things happen. Life is complicated like that. More importantly is how we choose to handle it. While I do not always succeed, I try at some point during the struggle to focus on the silver lining or find a lesson in the unhappy situation. Like I said, it doesn't always work, but it makes going through turmoil a lot easier when able to focus the good or a lesson.

      Wednesday, November 16, 2011

      10 Things I Don't Know How I Lived Without

      In no particular order....

      1. DVR
      2. poblanos
      3. Ball jars
      4. Fiestaware
      5. a passport
      6. pumpkin chip cookies
      7. salmon dip
      8. freezer bags
      9. buttermilk
      10. my food processor

      Tuesday, November 15, 2011


      Today is Tuesday. This means its a Glee night. I have a rule in my house about not talking during the show. A little ridiculous considering we have DVR, but the show is important to me. What I love about it is the way it screams equality. Everyone is special, yet no one gets special treatment; geek, gay, smart, jock or not, everyone is given equal time to share their story and be able to stand up for the population they represent. This naturally leads to many stereotypes, but the point of the stories remain: everyone, no matter how different, is treated the same. Here's to hoping equality and acceptance can hit the real world!

      Monday, November 14, 2011

      My Grandmothers

      I have written a lot of fluff pieces the past week. I suppose that is the trouble with blogging everyday for a month...30 different topics worth writing about does not an easy list make. So today I am going to go back to one of the things my mother suggested I write about, relationships in different generations. When I first read this suggestion, I wasn't quite sure where to take it, but then it clicked. I can write about how I am like my grandmothers. It's very interesting the combinations of traits I've acquired from these two equally strong women.

      Since my mom suggested this topic, lets begin with my maternal grandmother. The traits of hers that I have acquired: the desire to travel the 50 states, my love for the military, my fierce independence and my love of gardening and entertaining. My Oma has done road trips to every one of the continental states, supported her husband in World War II and is determined to live on her own. She also has a garden that takes up a decent chunk of her yard and used to have parties like no body's business. Its fun to tell her about my container garden, recipes I am trying out or parties I am hosting.

      As for my father's mother, we have quite a bit in common as well. She is where I get my crazy strong desire to travel internationally, I definitely have her sense of adventure, love of crafting and her ability to make everyone feel welcome. Since getting my first taste of internationally travel I have been unable to leave my passport at home for more then a handful of years. She'd be proud of that. She searched for adventure, even took flying lessons! It is because of her that I crochet and embroider. And I have the same open door policy in my house that she had. Everyone is welcome.

      I always enjoy doing things with my grandmothers. It's always fun to learn new things or discover similarities. I am grateful to have these two strong women as examples.

      Sunday, November 13, 2011

      3 Wishes

      There is a blogging site that gives prompts each day for NaBloPoMo, and one of the prompts that intrigued me was three wishes. So here goes:

      1. Good health
      2. No car/school debt
      3. To know what I am meant to do in this world.

      Saturday, November 12, 2011

      Third Time's the Charm

      Today I had my cartilage pierced for the third time. The first closed and the second was I am hoping this one has more longevity. This piercing was extra special because I got it done with my lil sis/ cousin. And then we finished off the day watching musicals and movies. It was the perfect sister day!

      Friday, November 11, 2011

      My Spiritual Journey

      My mom suggested that I use one of my NaBloPoMo days to write about my spiritual journey. Well, God and I are having issues at the moment, but there are somethings I feel confident in:

      1. There is a power that created the world, and I call that power God.
      2. God reveals himself to different people in different ways. My reasoning behind this is that most religions teach the same the Golden Rule
      3. To get to heaven you have to live the best life you know how, and I do think that is different for everybody.
      4. If I am going to choose an organized religion, I am sticking with the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America). There are three main reasons for this: they have traditional services, liberal beliefs and they support commitment ceremonies. 
      If God and I get on the same page by the end of the month I will post an update. But this is where I am at the moment.

      Thursday, November 10, 2011

      My Mechanic

      My mechanic is the best.

      He doesn't charge for labor.

      And then he takes me out to lunch.

      He even does house calls and house work.

      Yup. He's the best! :)

      Wednesday, November 9, 2011


      Being an English Literature major,  I have a deep love for books. In fact, before Joe and I got married I had insisted he move to a larger apartment, largely because I was planning on bringing my books with me. There are a handful of books that mean a lot to me:

      1. Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales- While I have yet to read the entire work, but what I love about this piece of literature is the way that Chaucer was able to write satire about the world in which he lived, while hiding it within his story. He's one smart dude.
      2. Anita Diamant's The Red Tent-This is one of the few novels I have reread. Because of the musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, everyone knows the story of the males in the family, but Diamant used her novel to write about what life was like for the women in that era, as seen through the eyes of the boy's sister.
      3. Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love-This is a book I am in the middle of rereading now. Normally biographies don't do it for me. However, I found this one inspiring. Partly because she shared her journey on how she put her life back together when it was in pieces, and partly because I am jealous of how she was able to do it. I would love to spend a year abroad nurturing myself to a happy place. Until my next trip to the other hemisphere I will just have to keep rereading this book.
      4. These are my guilty pleasure series: Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum Series. They are a mystery/romance/comedy series and literally makes me laugh out loud. I remember working at the convent and laughing hysterically at my desk. The next book comes out in two weeks!!!!
      On my to read list (please feel free to add suggestions):
      1. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
      2. The full The Canterbury Tales
      3. Deanna Raybourn's Silent in the Grave

      Tuesday, November 8, 2011

      What Goes Through My Brain During An Average Day

      I am supposed to blog everyday. A project that I am very excited about. Problem is, this weather and having minimal plans is not feeding my creativity. I have another post in the works, but my brain is just refusing to form coherent thoughts. I have two places to be this afternoon, so hopefully that will get my brain exercising again. Until then, I will hold this post as is and see what develops as the day continues on.

      ....and that is how this day started. Thankfully I stumbled upon an idea as I was out running errands.

      A nice girl saw I was having a rough day and basically paid for my smoothie. This kind action reminded me of how I like to give just because gifts. I think they mean more then if they are tied to some holiday. I intend to pay forward this sweet girl's kindness.

      Her generosity also led me to something I have been meaning to blog about but haven't found a good way to tie it in with other thoughts. I spend a ridiculous amount of time in my car. Consequently, I pass a lot of homeless people on highway on/off ramps. I like to give to them when I have something extra with me. But I don't give money, I give a bottle of water, a can of coke or a granola bar. I want to be helpful and make sure that my help is going to good causes, as opposed to someone pretending to be homeless to make an easy hundred bucks. This reminds me....I need to pack an extra water bottle for tomorrow's adventures.

      I guess the purpose of this post ends up being "Pay It Forward." I ask you all to create a sort of kindness and pass along the happiness.

      Monday, November 7, 2011

      What holds me up when the world is dragging me down?

      It appears I will be doing several "Top Ten" lists this month as I navigate my first NaBloPoMo. I'm really excited about how its forcing me to think and get a little creative. Today's list: things that help me hang in there:

      1. my husband.
      2. my family
      3. my friends
      4. cooking
      5. cooking magazines
      6. a good cup of coffee
      7. an episode of Glee
      8. a hot shower
      9. dark chocolate
      10. a good nap

      Saturday, November 5, 2011

      Graf Family Traditions

      One of my favorite parts of starting a new family with Joe is the holiday traditions we borrow from each other's families and the ones we create on our own. Here are some of our traditions:

      Super Bowl- This is our big hosting event of the year. We invite all of our friends over to watch the big game and I spend the day cooking lots of yummy treats.

      St. Patrick's Day- Every year I make crock pot Corned Beef and Cabbage and Irish Soda Bread. Last year we shared the meal with a couple of friends. Seeing as there is always an abundance of food, I would like to continue sharing that meal with friends or family. Also, last year all four of us learned the joy of Potato Leek soup.

      Easter- In an attempt to fairly split our time between families, we have decided to spend each Easter in Wisconsin with my Mom's family. We don't always get to see everyone we want to, but we try our best.

      Memorial Day- My Opa, German for Grandpa, was a World War II vet. Every year my mom, and me if I'm lucky, go to his army reunion. Every Memorial Day, we all go up to the cemetery where he is at for a beautiful service hosted by the cemetery.

      Fourth of July- My brother usually hosts a BBQ on the Fourth. So we go over and hang with him and his friends.

      Birthdays Day-This is a new tradition my mother and I have started this year. Seeing as all our birthdays are within four months, and we have five people, all with very unique schedules, we have decided to do one big celebration! Our first one is next Sunday.

      Election Day: One thing my Dad always felt very strong about was voting. He has voted in every election since I can remember and has instilled the same passion into me. So no matter how cruddy I feel, I make it out the the  polls and cast my vote every year. For the last presidential election I had a Returns Viewing Party for my fellow political buffs. I hope to do the same again next year.

      Thanksgiving- This holiday we spend with Joe's side of the family. Often we meet with his mother's family and we have a nice dinner with them and then go to his Grandpa's house for desserts.

      Anniversaries (yes, plural)- Our dating and wedding anniversaries are two days apart. Since there is a significant amount of time between the years (6 years!) we like to have a big celebration for both. We aren't really big on Sweetest or Valentine's Day, so we make this our big date night or weekend getaway of the year.

      Sunday after Thanksgiving-This is the day I am usually able to convince Joe its time to get our Christmas tree. Since our first Christmas together we have been getting real trees...a first for me! If I ignore the needles on my floor, its definitely a tradition I love adopting! And, if I'm real lucky, I can even get Joe to bring up all the Christmas decorations from our storage unit! When we decorate we have adopted the German tradition of hiding a pickle ornament in our tree. Traditionally, when a child finds it they get a piece of candy. Since we are childless, one of us usually just hides it from the other.

      St. Nicholas Day-This is a tradition we are taking from my parent's. During the night of December 5th and 6th St. Nick comes and fills our stockings. Even the kitties have one!
      Baking Day- This is one of my favorite traditions! My lil sis/cousin comes over and we destroy my kitchen making baked goods for friends and family! Its an all day event with lots of delicious out comes!

      Christmas Eve- Usually we both work Christmas Eve, but as I am without a job, I will have the day to get ready for our nighttime festivities. On Christmas Eve we drive up to Wisconsin and spend the night going to church with my Mom's side of the family.
      Christmas Day- Christmas Day is a busy one for us. Usually in the morning/early afternoon we head out to Joe's mom's house and spend some time with his side of the family. Then in the late afternoon/evening we go to my aunt's house and celebrate with my dad's side of the family. THEN, my parents and brother come to our place for dessert and a family Christmas.

      New Year's Eve- Every New Year's Eve our dear friends host a party, so we always spend the night with them, eating, playing games and welcoming the New Year.

      Those are our current traditions, I am sure we will be developing more as the years go on.

      My Need to Travel

      When Joe first met me he did not understand my need to travel. He didn't see the point in spending so much money in such a short amount of time. What was the point really? This came as a shock to me because I LOVE traveling and seeing new places and making new memories. I remember being in Disney World and riding Splash Mountain, being assaulted by a goat in Texas, discovering the joy of raspberry chocolate chip ice cream in Ohio, seeing the inside of the FBI in DC and seeing a favorite gymnast practice for the Olympics in Colorado. All of these are important memories, and I intend to keep adding to the list....preferably without any more goats, that just wasn't necessary.

      After my first trip to Europe my need (I do consider it a need, its definitely more then a want) to travel increased tenfold. Seeing things that we will never have in the US because of its infancy. Seeing new cultures, trying different should have seen my face when I found out I was eating duck for the first time. Because my first trip to Europe was with my extended family, I got to experience all these new and wonderful things with my parents, brother, aunts, uncle and cousins. When I had the opportunity to spend a college Spring Break in London, it was an absolute no brainer. I can't really explain why, but England has always felt like a second home to me. I go there and I feel at peace, like everything is right in my world. To get to spend another week there was amazing, and its also where I cultivated friendships with some of my closest friends.

      So as Joe and I are trying to figure out the how, when and where of the trips we want, I can't help but be reminded of my grandmothers, both of whom like to travel; one in the US and the other the world. After taking a few trips together Joe is warming up to the idea of travel. He is starting to look forward to our trips and get excited about them with me. It makes me so happy to be able to share one of my greatest passions with him. Last week he even mentioned how some of his favorite times with me is when we travel and see something new together.

      Friday, November 4, 2011

      My Cousins

      My cousins are amazing. They are a never ending source of entertainment and support and I love them. I thought all of you should know.Today I stood with some of them to honor the life of a local teen. I am leaving this entry short in memory of that teen and in honor of my cousins. I love you all. (And my aunt!!!)

      Thursday, November 3, 2011

      Why I Am Doing NaBloPoMo

      As I am currently unemployed, I search many different avenues for things to occupy my time. I have been doing a lot of volunteer work, I am challenging myself to make everything...even the Prune Cake...from The Pioneer Woman's Cookbook, I have designed a book cover for a friend, participated in a flash mob, race and two road trips. One of these days I plan on cleaning and catching up on scrapbooking. But in the mean time, I find myself wanting to be creative, something to exercise my brain daily as I try to decide what I want my next step to be. So while I have two friends participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I have discovered that it is also NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). Needing to feed the creativity, another friend and I, have decided to use NaBloPoMo as our inspiration to feed our creative sides.

      So yes, that means everyday this month I will be posting something new. I can't make promises on quality, seeing as I must post something new every day. But I am willing to promise it to be an interesting collection of thoughts.

      See ya'll tomorrow!

      Wednesday, November 2, 2011

      Rules I Live By

      As I spend time figuring out the type of person I want to become, I realize that there is a set of rules I live by. And since I have committed to blogging everyday, I decided that this was a topic I would discuss.
      1. Treat others the right way, regardless of how they treat you.
      2. Do not use words like "gay" or "retarded" to put someone down.
      3. Respect different opinions. Just because something is right for me does not mean it is right for everyone.
      4. Stand up for what you believe is right, even if everyone else won't.
      5. Shared joy is a double joy, shared sorrow is half a sorrow.
      6. Celebrate a LOT. It will help you find joy when it is no where to be found.
      7. Sing in the car. Loudly.
      8. You must indulge yourself every so often.
      9. Try to have some alone time everyday.
      10. Find a way to make your life fulfilling, whether it be through work, family or volunteering.

      Tuesday, November 1, 2011

      Canada 2011

      I met some amazing people when I studied abroad in college. We spent an amazing nine days together in London, where we did a literary tour ---have I mentioned how amazing the British Library is?. In the four years since we have had many failed attempts to travel together again. Illness, money and time all stood in our way. This year,  however, we decided enough was enough and our passports were lonely and in desperate need of a new stamp. Money still being tight, we decided a road trip was our best bet.. So Friday morning we left Park Ridge at 6am (as in A.M., as in still dark, as in I may again be developing a caffeine addiction) to head towards the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. We spent the first day of Beth's first road trip driving for ten hours. We were lucky, the drive was bearable and we had several highway changes so we were never stuck doing the same thing for too long. When we finally arrived we spent our first night of vacation going out to dinner....raspberry margaritas anyone?....and seeing the falls lit up after dark. It was beautiful!
      We then went back to our hotel to relax and indulge in an amazing chocolate cake!

      The next day we got up and went to the Butterfly Conservatory. There were so many beautiful butterflies roaming around their green house. It was gorgeous and made for lots of beautiful pictures.
      When we finished at the Conservatory, after a long search for that butterfly in the picture (it was a sneaky guy and hard to photograph) we walked around the botanic gardens that played host to the Conservatory.
       That afternoon brought us back to the Falls. We did the Journey Behind the Falls which brings people through tunnels to view the falls from inside the waterfall.
      We concluded our day with a ride on the Sky Wheel to see the Falls from above!
      It was a wonderful vacation, and a very relaxing girl's weekend. We concluded a trip with a morning massage before our ten hour car ride home. I had a wonderful time and was thrilled to share this experience with my girlfriends. Here's to hoping we get another chance to travel together again!

      Monday, October 24, 2011

      Friends Since 1998

      We have been friends for 13 years. Together we have been through a lot: deaths, illnesses, moves, road trips and several celebrations of 21st birthdays. We may be separated by miles or even by states, but the moment we are together it's as if no time has passed.
      Our college garduation celebration.

      It has been an exciting four years for us. In 2008 I got married, 2009 Shannon did, 2010 was Heidi's turn and this past weekend was Sara's! Four years, four weddings (and four Bachelorette parties!). This wedding was in Nebraska (which crossed Iowa off my list of 50 states to visit), and marked a bittersweet end to the celebrations of the past four years. I believe we are all glad to be past the planning stage and into our marriages, and sad because there will not be any more big parties to look forward to for awhile.

      Sara and her man put on quite the extravagansa! The wedding was in an old train station that was turned into a museum and was completely gorgeous. The bride and groom looked amazing and it was a great time. Congratulations you two!

      Saturday, October 15, 2011

      My Obsession with Mason Jars

      If you have ever been to my house you will quickly see my love of Fiestaware....but I have recently discovered another obsession: Mason Jars. I was tired of the clutter in my pantry and cabinets and decided to organize with these amazing contraptions.
       I did the baking shelf: caramel chips, white chocolate chips, semi sweet chips, milk chocolate chips as well as assorted nuts.

      And in the pantry: dried beans, noodles, rice.

      At this point I thought I was pretty cool. I had a interesting balance of country and city going on in my kitchen that was very "me." And then I found these at Target yesterday:

      That's right....GALLON SIZE MASON jars. I now have storage for the flour and sugar I insist on buying in bulk. I was a little too excited, not gonna lie.

      Then I got my free copy of Country Woman magazine (Its in the Taste of Home family). And they had craft ideas for Mason Jars. So I made a pin cushion/notions holder and some candles.

      I am sure I will come up with more cool things to do with these jars..but this is what I have done so far.

      Saturday, October 1, 2011

      Julie and Julia vs Meg and Ree Part 2

      So here I am thinking I have made a huge dent in my Meg and Ree challenge. I've been making a few things each week. Including the Creamy Rosemary Potatoes that are responsible for my sliced finger. Apparently you are supposed to be careful when you use mandolines. Unless of course you want your finger to match mine...but I promise you that you don't. Its not pretty, takes too long to heal and will never look the same again, its just not worth the trouble to be my finger twin. Anyway, back to the challenge. I'm only 26% of the way through the cookbook. But I suppose to be fair, there are things I have made more then once. I also suppose I will consider myself a success if I finish before the next cookbook comes out in the Spring. Also, before ya'll jump to the conclusion about me using all that butter, I want it noted that I am working hard on my weight loss goals. I even appear to be making some headway! Consequently, I am allowed to have butter a few times a week. I've decided.

      Wednesday, September 28, 2011

      The Help

      Most of you know that I have started a Facebook Book Club. Basically I need to be held responsible in order to keep reading...I'm very busy and very easily distracted, but I LOVE reading. I was an English Literature Major after all! And this club will introduce me to stories I probably would not normally read.

      September's book choice was The Help. It was a great book! It is based in 1960's Jackson, Mississippi and is about the relationship between white women and African American maids. It was heartbreaking for me to read the racial tension that took place in our country. But it was also an inspirational tale as one young woman wrote a book from the maid's point of view and supported all the women who shared their story with her. Its a must read!

      I took myself to see the movie on Monday. Joe wanted to stay home, but I was sick of being trapped in my house while work was being done on my bathroom. There was one thing I liked better about the movie then book; the ending. I feel like the book left so many questions hanging about the future of the young author and the maids as they dealt with the aftermath of the tell-all book. The movie leaves the viewer hopeful that all will be OK with all of the women. An ending I would like to imagine.

      October's book is Silent in the Grave.

      Sunday, September 25, 2011

      2011 Chicagoland Community Walk for Suicide Prevention

      Yesterday was the local community walk for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention. My day started out with my alarm going off at 4am. For those of you who know me, you know what a huge deal that is! I arrived at the site (Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village) at 5am. We (Walk Committee and Volunteers) set up for the event: tables, chairs, unloading and organizing of trucks and posting signs around the Forest Preserve. And then the walkers came! A record setting 2,383 registered walkers! And, the record setting walkers also equaled large fundraising amount, over $330,000! And donations are still being accepted until December 31st!

       Because I had such support from my friends and family, I also walked the walk once it began. My friend Katie was there and we got to walk together. After the event it was take down time and then returning the Uhaul that was donated. It was about 3pm by the time I got home to take a very brief nap. But it was a wonderful day! And I am very grateful for all of my donors and supportive friends and family. I can't wait to volunteer and walk again next year!

      Friday, September 23, 2011

      10 Things My Friends Have Taught Me

      1. There is always a reason to eat chocolate cake. Always.
      2. I do not dislike all Sci-Fi's.
      3. Cold water burns more calories then warm.
      4. I am capable of more then I think I am.
      5. I have an adventurous side that needs to be nurtured.
      6. Passports MUST  be stamped like crazy.
      7. Salads can be can peanut butter.
      8. There is power in numbers.
      9. Creativity needs to be nurtured.
      10. Its OK to be addicted to dishes.
      What have your friends taught you?

      Tuesday, September 20, 2011

      Julie and Julia vs. Meg and Ree

      As I'm sure most of you know by now, there was an author named Julie Powell who wrote about her experience cooking all of Julia Childs' recipes in Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year. It was an interesting concept and had me thinking about what cookbooks I would like to make everything in.

      By now, I'm sure you have all gathered that I like the Pioneer Woman and her cookbook; The Pioneer Woman Cooks. Before I continue, I would like to once again explain why.
      1. I grocery shop at Walmart and Target. There has only been one ingredient I could not find in either of those stores...and to be honest, I'm not sure I checked at Walmart.
      2. The woman is practical. She gives options if you are missing some ingredient or uses dried herbs occasionally instead of fresh. Basically she lives in the middle of no where, so her ingredients have to be something she can have easy access to.
      3. She gives ideas on how to preserve the food. Example: when and how to freeze or store a recipe, etc (until my husband went searching, I had a pie plate of her Cinnamon Rolls in my freezer).
      4. And while this doesn't have anything to do with her cooking, her writing is amusing. Who doesn't like to be reminded to poor yourself a glass of wine while cooking with it? Or to use more butter? Wine and butter are good...although probably not together.
      So, no, I am not going to be writing about every recipe I make. And I do not have a time frame on which to cook everything in her cookbook. I have been choosing two to three recipes a week and giving it a shot. The more I cook the more I realize I may end up doing the whole book and cooking something I would not have normally cooked. For example, I think I may end up making her prune cake...and that is not something I would have said when I first purchased the book and I believe it to be a true possibility now.

      I guess we will see how this goes and how it is followed through. I may post occasional blogs about my progress, but I will not be writing about every recipe.

      Wednesday, September 14, 2011

      Dorothy's Zucchini Bread

      One of my old coworkers from my Sisters of St. Joseph days makes this AMAZING Zucchini Bread. I begged her for the recipe! Its absolutely delicious (and if you shred all your summer zucchini at once you can freeze it in 2cup portions to use all year.) Anyway, here it is so you can try it!

      Zucchini Bread

      3 Eggs
      1 cup of oil
      2 cups sugar
      2 teaspoons vanilla
      1 8.25oz can of crushed pineapple
      3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
      1/4 teaspoon baking powder
      3 cups flour
      2 teaspoons baking soda
      1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
      1 teaspoon salt
      optional: 1 cup dates/nuts
      2 cups shredded zucchini

      1. Beat eggs, mix in oil, sugar and vanilla until thick
      2. Stir in remaining ingredients, stirring well.
      3. Add zucchini and its juices
      4. poor into a mini loaf pan and bake at 350 for 25 minutes, or poor into 2 loaf pans and bake for an hour

      Sunday, September 11, 2011

      My Husband's Game Day Dip

      This is by no means a Graf Original, but it is one of my husband's favorites. Since I have one in the oven and we are watching the Bear's game, I figured I'd share. Enjoy!

      Chili Cheese Dip

      8oz cream cheese
      1 can of chili (We use Hormel's Hot with Beans)
      Shredded Cheddar (we shred our own, I don't like the flour in packaged cheese)
      Tortilla Chips

      1. Layer the cream cheese, chili and cheddar in a pie plate
      2. Bake at 350 for about 15minutes, or when the cheese is melted
      3. Enjoy with tortilla chips

      Note: if my husband is near this dip, you want to make two..just trust me...

      Ten Years Ago

      It is both unfortunate and fortunate that I do not have a lot of memories of September 11, 2001. I only have memories of when I first found out what had happened. I was in Student Services getting some paperwork and they had the TV on. The TV said that a plane had run into the World Trade Towers in New York City. I was confused. This was the first time I had heard of the World Trade Towers. I quickly realized they were important, full business buildings. When I finished with my paperwork, I went back to photo class and told the teacher what I had learned: a plane had crashed in New York City. That is all I remember from that actual day. Of course I remember that our country united after the tragedy. I wish I could remember more of that day, what we learned as the day developed. On the other hand I am glad I don't have memories of that horror and pain. Today especially, my heart goes to all those left behind, all our men and women in uniform and especially the greatness of our country. While I know its incredibly idealistic, I prayed for peace last night and that people learn to love each other.

      Monday, September 5, 2011

      Things I've Learned This Summer

      I've l earned a  lot of things this summer. Who expected to be learning during the summer? Not me, that's for sure, the summer is suppose to be about having fun. Here is what I learned:

      1. I do not like exercise. I get bored. And I feel horrible about that. I wish I liked it, I really really do. I am very much looking forward to my Derby based exercise class. I think it will be enough variety to hold my interest. Plus, I am taking it with a very good friend, so I think it will just be a great time. I'm hoping it at least gets me working out once a week, but ideally I would like to work out AT LEAST every other day.

      2. Lesson Number Two. Find the good and appreciate it. Just trust me on this one. You don't want to look back with regret for not appreciating something. Also, when life sucks, finding the good and focusing on that will help you get through it.

      3. Cats are sneaky. They will run out the door and you won't even see them. Then you are going to feel like a bad kitty mommy because one day you lock November on the balcony and then a few nights later you lock Tiger in the hallway. I seriously do not know how that happened...I know they are fast and love to run out the doors and every time I open a door I look to make sure they aren't in the way. The fact that it happened to me twice in one week is horrifying and embarrassing. Kitty mom FAIL.

      4. I need to stay busy. If you know ANYTHING about me that isn't news. But I used to think I would like staying home all day and taking care of my man and house and one day babies. And then I found myself unemployed for two months, with at least one more month before my new job starts. I need more go go go. I need to be rushed and have a coffee in my hands. I think its being stuck in the same place all day that gets to me. I'm so used to living in my car going from place to place that this lack of variety is such a huge shock to my system. Being busy is just how my body works best. I need to have a list of things to do and a crazy time frame in which to complete them. It may not be healthy, but it is what I need to function well. I am so grateful to be able to volunteer for the AFSP during this next month, and to have another project I am working on for a friend. God willing, these two projects will get me through the next month and then I can start working regularly again! If you find yourself with too much free time in the next month give me a call!

      I guess those are my four lessons of the summer. Lets hope the fall is better then my summer! And without runaway kitties.

      Thursday, September 1, 2011

      Healthier Lifestyle

      Well, I guess its time to be honest. The dieting isn't going as good as I had hoped and there has been no exercising. I wish I liked to exercise, I really do. I am going to be taking a Roller Derby inspired exercise class starting next week, I hope that helps get me in the mood to exercise. As for the dieting, I have been making better choices, both with content and portion size. But I still have a long way I want to go. Problem is I like food. I love good food. So I have to work on making healthy food yummy. Lets hope for a better status update next week!

      Thought of the Day

      The theme today is finding yourself. First thing you should do is decide what you want to be. Then work towards making that happen. -Simon

      (This was the message, by the time I got to the computer I forgot the exact words.)

      Tuesday, August 30, 2011


      Hindsight is 20/20. I wish I would have had more appreciation for what I had when I had it (Example, my smaller size.) Lesson learned: find the good, focus on it and appreciate it.

      Saturday, August 27, 2011

      Sometimes I Get Really Cool Opportunities

      Senior year of college my good friend, who uses the pen name Liz Laz, published her first book. It is a young adult adventure book titled My Not So Normal Life. It was a fast paced, intensely wonderful Spring Break. Together with another friend, we spent the week holed up in an annex at our University. We edited, updated and uploaded the 198 page novel. My main job for Liz made me super excited! I got to design and create the cover. I used my love of scrap booking to create a physical paper design which I went on to scan into a computer to complete the wording. It was a really exciting project that I really enjoyed doing.

      This summer I learned that Liz Laz was preparing the sequel, My Not So Normal Life: School for Spies. I was honored to be asked to create that cover as well! Keep reading, at the end of the year I am planning a post showing you my new art work for Ms. Laz! It was a lot of fun creating the paper design, I look forward to finishing the work on the computer in the coming months. Keep following and I will share a link for those interested in the novels!

      Wednesday, August 24, 2011

      My Weight Loss Journey Begins

      If you've seen or spoken to me lately you know that I have been struggling with my weight, and am ready to win that battle. I started by going straight to a diet of 1200 cals/day. That didn't work. I was shaking so badly from hunger I caved and finished the rest of the leftover Chinese. So after talking to some friends who are also on their weight loss journey, I have decided to take a huge step back and take slower gradual steps. I am going to begin by eating the amount of calories it would take to maintain my weight for one week. Then I will slowly lower that number week by week. I know I won't get results as quickly as I would like, however it seems to be the only way for me to reach success.

      Now if only I could like exercising! (Derby Class starts in two and half weeks!!!)

      Tuesday, August 23, 2011

      My Version of Greek Salad

      One of the best things about gardening is not having to pay for produce. I'm a fan. But there is one thing I am not a fan of. Lettuce. I like salads, they are good for me, especially seeing as I am dieting. However, lettuce bores me. I need LOTS of toppings on my salad. And I love stocking them up with veggies, meats and cheese. Sometimes I make salads without the actual lettuce. My Greek salad is one of my favorite combinations.

      1 can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
      4 Roma tomatoes, diced
      1/4 red onion, diced
      1 cucumber, seeded and diced
      10 kalamata olives, halved
      3.5oz package of Feta cheese
      pinch of salt

      Combine and enjoy! I have also done this where I added a drizzle of olive oil. And I am sure it would taste good over a bed of lettuce or with some noodles.

      Monday, August 22, 2011

      My Love Affair With My Freezer-Preserving Food

      So, lets not tell Joe, but I have a not so secret love affair with my freezer. The thought of wasting food makes me sad...I don't want to throw money away. So while my freezer has the normal things in it: veggies, ice cream, the husband's chicken nuggets, most of my freezer is filled with excess foods. I buy large quantities of butter and freeze the extras, I buy most meats and sea foods in bulk to save money and freeze them in serving size portions. Lately I have learned the joy of freezing things I would not have thought of to freeze. For example, I learned how to freeze bagels. This helps me eat them at my slow pace with my ever changing taste buds. Earlier this month I posted two blogs about recipes: Pumpkin Chip Cookies and Cinnamon Rolls. I have some of both of those in my freezer right now; half the cookie dough and one pie plate full of rolls. And this week I have started preserving veggies from my garden in my freezer. I don't have time to cook them as fast as they grow, and I would hate to waste my food. So I have shredded zucchini in my freezer and sliced, blanched summer squash! Yay for fresh food year round! Now if only I had a stand alone freezer....
      I don't think I have enough freezer bags in there....

      Saturday, August 20, 2011

      Canning with Mom

      I convinced my mom to can with me! I was setting up to do it one day at home and realized that it was silly to do all that work by myself. Thankfully, my mom will try anything once. This includes overheating her kitchen so we can have homemade produce year round.

      Tuesday we canned the tomatoes. We were able to fill four pint sized jars. Today, we already have enough to fill another four or five. So next Wednesday or Thursday we will be doing a round two.
      Today we put our pickle plant to good use and produced three cans of relish! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so I don't have pictures of how badly we destroyed the kitchen on that endeavor.

      We'll see how many jars we take up next week!

      Cinnamon Rolls

      Today I spent the whole day in the kitchen(s). Sometimes I feel productive and kick some butt. Today was one of those days.

      I started my day with my friend Heidi. Heidi and I are both addicted to our The Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook. So today we decided to try our hand at one of her favorite recipes: Cinnamon Rolls.
      This is the effect that yummy frosting has!

       What resulted was a lovely smelling kitchen and a buttery counter top. Lots of goodness! And then there was the frosting! Mmmm!

       Ok, so maybe now I can see why the diet thing isn't going as planned. But it was definitely worth it. Best news: I have a pan in my freezer for future use!


      Thursday, August 18, 2011

      Miss Diane's Salmon Dip

      Miss Diane is a very dear woman to me. I have known her for years! In addition to her wonderful support, she has also shared with me her A M A Z I N G Salmon Dip recipe. Its become a staple at parties, and I make sure I always have a can of salmon in my pantry!

      1 can of smoked salmon, 6.5oz (we order ours from Seattle)
      1 package of cream cheese, 8oz
      2 Table spoons of sliced green onions
      a couple drops of Tabasco sauce

      Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor (my choice) and blend until smooth!

      Enjoy with crackers! Delish!

      Monday, August 15, 2011

      Recipe Writing

      Recipe writing is something I've been thinking about a lot recently. I want to share some of my recipes on here but I am running into some problems.
      1. I have no professional training. There is a lot of trial and error in my kitchen. I want to insure I only share successes.
      2. I have just started cooking when I got married about three years ago. So my cooking is still evolving, and hopefully always will be. There is a lot of experimenting to find out what works best and how, etc. But when the end results are worth sharing I will!
      3. And my biggest problem: I generally don't measure. This means that I have to start in order to share recipes with you guys. A pinch looks a lot different in my fingers then in a measuring spoon.
      So hang in there with me, the recipes will come, and will be just may take awhile.

        Sunday, August 14, 2011

        Where I've Been

        It's been a very hectic week! Last weekend was full of family stuff: a cousins dinner and the next night my dad came over for dinner. It was great to spend so much time with my family!

        The week got even more exciting when I went with one of my cousins to see Taylor Swift. It was our third Taylor concert together!

        We got amazing seats from another cousin, and even managed to get Pit Passes!
        The next night my cousin and I went to see Glee 3D at midnight. I quickly realized how old I am as I found myself barely able to keep up with my seventeen year old cousin. Especially after two consecutive 2am nights!

        Then this weekend was my good friend's Wedding Shower and Bachelorette Party! It was so wonderful to see her, as she lives out of town. It was wonderful to have a girls night!

        And, after returning home Sunday morning, I found out that I have raised $110 for The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention thus far! I am so pleased to have so much support as I fight for this very important cause!

        *Please see my Facebook page if interested in donating to this cause.*

        Monday, August 8, 2011

        AFSP Community Walk 2011

        Some friends of mine and I are going to be walking in an American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's Community Walk September 24. If you are able PLEASE donate, any amount will help this amazing cause work on saving lives. Thank you! (I promise to not make asking for money a regular thing on this blog.)

        Just go to, click on "Make a Donation," and search my name! :)

        Sunday, August 7, 2011

        Pumpkin Chip Cookies

        I know its the beginning of August and the last thing you want to think about are fall holidays. But these cookies are too amazing to only have once or twice a year. They are a huge hit with my friends and even their kids! Thank you Taste of Home for this delicious recipe!

        Pumpkin Chip Cookies

        Make them today! I did!

        Note: I double freezer bag half the dough and freeze it for future use since it makes so many cookies.

        Thursday, August 4, 2011

        Favorite Cookbooks

        I have a bit of a problem. Just ask my husband...or look above my china cabinet. I love cookbooks!
        Those are all cookbooks or cooking magazines.

        Seeing as I would like to eventually share some of the recipes I've come up with, I figure I should share my favorite cookbooks so that ya'll can see where my inspirations come from. That and I have no idea how long it will take me to write a recipe...I don't usually measure, so it could take awhile.

        One of my favorite basic cookbooks is The Taste of Home Cookbook. For my wedding shower my aunt gave me a subscription to their magazine. I quickly fell in love and ordered their cookbook. What I like about this franchise is that its made for home cooks. It shares basic recipes with basic ingredients. It is very accessible. I use Taste of Home for everything from Eggs Benedict to scalloped potatoes to Christmas cookies.

        Another amazing cookbook is The Pioneer Woman Cooks. My girlfriend and I both swear by this book. I have cooked recipes from both her book and her website. Like Taste of Home, because the author lives on a remote ranch, the food is also easily accessible. Between my friend and I, everything of hers that we have made has been a hit! It is a staple in both of our kitchens. She has a wide range of recipes including pico de gallo, red velvet cake and pasta dishes. Her recipes are inspired from both her time in the city and her current life in the country.

        When it comes to canning, I can not thank my sister in law enough for recommending Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving. When I wanted to start canning she insisted the first thing I do was buy this book. And I now know why. In addition to its wide variety of canning recipes, this book also the VERY important safety information to can correctly and make safe food. So, I will second my sister in law's rule and tell you all to buy this book before starting to can!

        There are two cookbooks I have that I am looking forward to exploring. The first is Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook. Lets be honest, what busy twenty-something doesn't like her slow cooker? However, I want to make a wider variety of stuff then soups and stews. As soon as I saw this cookbook I was interested. The variety is amazing: veal, chili, cake, wings and seafood are all included in this cookbook. The second cookbook I want to explore is The Chicago Diner Cookbook. This cookbook shares recipes from the vegetarian and vegan restaurant on Chicago's North side. While I am far from a vegetarian, I LOVED the food I had there and look forward to the experimentation and variety it will bring to my kitchen.

        Now to be fair, I have been cooking for less then three years. Seeing as I am FAR from an expert, I polled my friends on Facebook and Twitter and asked them to share some of their favorite cookbooks. Here are the results:
        1. Forever Summer
        2. Earth to Table
        3. Canning for a New Generation
        4. Food for Friends: Simply Delicious Menus For Easy Entertaining
        5. Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook
        6. The Joy of Cooking
        7. The Pillsbury Cookbook
        8. anything by Gordon Ramsey
        9. anything by Alton Brown
        10. anything by Rick Bayless
        11. and family cookbooks
        If there are any you want to add, please comment and we can try to make a comprehensive list of good cookbooks for home cooks!

        Monday, August 1, 2011


        Pickle, cherry tomatoes, plum tomato, cucumber, yellow squash and green onion! Yay for fresh, free food!

        Sunday, July 31, 2011

        Columbia's Muddy Buddy 2011

        I have a dear friend who I like to call my "adventure buddy." New Year's Day 2010, we jumped in Lake Michigan for the Polar Bear Plunge. While this Plunge was not affiliated with any charities (there is one later in the year that supports the Special Olympics) it was definitely a great time!

        Deciding that it was time for another adventure, we decided to sign up for the Columbia Muddy Buddy! The Muddy Buddy is a race you complete with a partner, one person runs and the other rides a bike, you arrive at an obstacle and then switch (the runner bikes and the biker runs). Its approximately a 6 mile course (ours was 5.7 miles), and then at the end you and your buddy crawl through a mud pit together!

        The heat certainly was not on our side. I had to walk instead of run. The asthma and the heat were just not having it. So, I am disappointed with that aspect of my performance. The obstacles were a fun challenge. For some of the more challenging ones people worked together to get everyone through. There was a nice sense of team effort in that respect.  The hurdles...which I didn't know about until the week of the event...were not nearly as complicated as I was expecting! Another weak spot I had...the last obstacle of the course was scaling an eight foot wall. By the time we got to it, it was covered in slippery mud and my fear of heights got the best of me. Well, not fear of heights, fear of falling from heights.

        So, while I am not completely happy with my performance, I did have a wonderful time and was proud of myself for finishing! Best of all, when I got home and logged on to see our time, the Mud-diving Mischief Makers (our amazing team!) did not finish last! Our time was
        1:34:09.4. While we were F A R from first place, we were more than a half hour ahead of the last place. Overall it was a success! Our goal was to finish the race, which we successfully did! We are considering racing again next year!